Sunday 8 November 2009

I was wrong

I was wrong in moaning about the early start this morning. I was tired and grumpy ::)
Basically, I started doing school work at 10 am and have only just finished, my breaks probably added up to about 20 minutes in total. so I have been working constantly for 5 hours and 10 minutes.
I got my RE essay done (1159 words)
My film sudies script (1500 words)
My film studies Catalogue (603 words)
Extra film studies notes to do my script (492 words)
Plus looking at important parts of the films and stuff.

3754 words in total, doesnt sound like much actually. but research and changing shizz too, not to mention I had to cut down film studies to exactly the maximum limit (am secretly proud I got it dead on ::) )

Plus having to print stuff off and work out where things will go, basically change it all around then type it out.

I still have one more essay to do by tomorrow, which is about 1500 words. Which I would have got done, but I did not realise my film studies would take from 11:20 until 3:30.
So I think I will watch the football and do an essay after. Hopefully.

Yay for productiveness :)


  1. Yay for un-grumpyness ;)
    And well done for a productive day - make sure you treat yourself for all that hard work!
    A x

  2. haha sorry about the grumpyness :P
    Treat is done, watched the football XD and xfactor later, need to do an essay in between though ::)

    thanks =D x

  3. Wow, well done for getting so much done!

    So did Chelsea win the SOCCER :P

    Hope you're sleeping well now.


  4. That's very good going for one day hun!


  5. Thanks guys :)
    Chelsea did win in the FOOTBALL XD
