Sunday 8 November 2009

Annoyances *rant*

So last night, well, this morning, it took me absolutely ages to get to sleep, and when I had finally managed to, what seemed like after only a couple of hours I was woken up, claiming that this time tomorrow I will be in school therefore I should get up now. 15 minutes later... this time tomorrow you will be in lessons if you do not wake up now then you have no chance of waking up tomorrow. I'm not sure if I live on a different planet to everyone else right now, but surely if you do one thing one day, it doesn't have to be the same the next. Also, taking into account it is in fact the weekend, and people are known to have the odd sneaky lay in until 9am, I have not got 6th form today, therefore I will not be waking up for it. Oh, and to top it off, dad came in your breakfast is done (very nice gesture) but then one minute later, are you coming down, another minute later, it's getting cold. Well, thanks, you done a really nice thing, but please I could warm it up. Also, mum actually decided to come in and shout at me at half 8. No disrespect meant but please, it's not like I went to bed at like 11 and got a full nights sleep, yes that may have been my fault, but how can I help it if I cant get to sleep when in bed?

On the bright side Chelsea are playing Manchester United today, I will *hopefully* get some more work done, and the X factor is on later. So lets just hope that all that fuss of bothering to get out of bed today was worth it.

Apologies for the rant, and congratulations if you made it through that.

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