Friday 12 February 2010


hmm well I guess I should blog about this as it is a pretty significant thing that has happened!

This isn't going to be well written because I can't be bothered so yeah...

Tuesday I felt ill with severe stomach pains so was off school (started getting them on the bus monday night). Parents decided to take me to hospital tuesday night and there I stayed up until about an hour ago...

So basically went to the doctor lady and she done some tests then sent me up to the surgical assessment unit where they examined me and stole some bloods. They told me I had an appendicitus. Then I was escorted to a ward with 3 other people and they were all really nice :) I was then given some drugs and anti sickness which nearly made me faint ::) Erm, then what happened, oh I had to fast from midnight and had hardly eaten anything anyway, I fasted til 4pm, so for 16 hours ¬_¬ instead of 8. Then had to put on the gown, and was taken to surgery. They asked if I measured in cm or inches and I can't remember what else. I was woken up and in recovery and hurt loads. I remember being taken to the ward and seeing mum and dad on the way. I was all dopey from anaesthetic and felt so ill (but wasn't sick at all in hospital) apparently I was a pale green colour ::) It took 2 hours instead of 20 mins. It was key hole surgery which is basically 4 small wounds instead of one big one. I saw the picture of my insides XD

I learnt you lose ALL dignity and shizz. Yesterday I felt pretty poo as I still had some anaesthetic going around in me and had another faint feeling and sick feeling episode. By then all the nice people were gone, and 3 people I didn't know were there, 2 of which kept being sick. Erm, I was told my heart was too fast and that my heamoglobinz (no idea how to spell it and that looks nice) I had my blood stolen in the night and had pulse done every hour or so.They said I had hb of 8 or something, so have been given iron tablets and painkillers and said I was a bit aneamic. (sp?) I felt kinda ill most of the time but its out now and I am home, with proper food and stuff. I can't do things for like a month, but hey we're getting there :)

1 comment:

  1. My poor lil sis!

    I'm still amused that we were talking on msn and you were like "pfft as if it'd be appenicitis!" lol

    You were ever so brave staying in the hospital for so long. You did so well!!

    Hopeyou feel all better soon.

