Monday 25 January 2010

Burns Night

so tonight is burns night, we are having a traditional scottish tea and I get to recite "address to a haggis"

should be a great night :)

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Race for life

I have taken the plunge and am doing it this year for obviously, an extremely worthy cause, please help the charity by sponsoring me, any amount will be greatly appreciated
thank you all so much

Monday 18 January 2010

update and stuff

Ok, well I haven't done a blog in a while, and I have no work with me in my free, so hey might as well do something semi productive.

Not much has happened to be fair, I have booked my first set of driving lessons, pretty nervous but excited at the same time. I have a 2 hour lesson on my birthday so that should be pretty cool :)

Erm, I am taking part in a writing competition for our local paper on the theme of "childhood" I have written and completed my poem already and my youth group leader read it and said it was amazingly good, or something like that. I am not a fan of my own work, but the family and M said it was good, so I might as well submit it, seeing as I wrote it for that anyway... Although I still need to come up with a title and tweak it a bit, but hey that is expected.

Apart from that, I don't think there is much else, nothing nice to write about anyway. Some things are still pretty sucky but at least the exam is over. Oh, yes the exam!

I had my AS level RE retake on the 13th *shudders at the date* the college was so much more relaxed and stuff than I expected and the exam was much better, so hopefully I have done better than last time.

Oh I just remembered, my jaw disloacted last night. No idea how I could forget as it still hurts laods. I done it by biting into a tomato.... But the jaw is messed up anyway, so hey it is expected I guess. But it took 45 minutes to get it back in, but I avoided going to the hospital yay!

I think that is pretty much it for now, school is pretty much the same, as is home and stuff. I have my taekwondo grading on the 30th, so am in the process of learning the stuff, doing coursework and generally working on making "stuff" manageable. busy busy busy.

Bye :)